Feeding you information on a Don't-Need-To-Know Basis since July 2005. This is where I put things that grab my attention as I go through my daily show preparation process for the morning show on WAOR-FM. This is ALSO my place to (1) bitch about how the world is wrapped up in unimportant trivial pap...and (2) post my very own favorite unimportant trivial pap...

Soviet Pop Star Anthem
Helicopter Archipelago
Album Fight!
Our Vampire President
disturbing frankenstein dogs
pics by astronauts
over 6.5 Billion served
neat little toon
south pole string theory
fun with sand

- Glazer/Bucs story from Tampa Trib last week
- Non-Imus Headlines
- Yellow Ledbetter Decoded
- Roadmap To Extinctions
- My Favorite Discovery All Year
- Seven Seasons, Seven Minutes
- I'm literally numb from reading this shit
- Archimedes, Motherfucker!
- Happy Birthday, Phil
- 3 fucking 00

- 10,001 Things
- 2.13.61
365 tomorrows
80s arcade
- amanda unboomed
- angry alien
- a thousand monkeys...
- babel fish
- bonsai trading/discworld
- bucci
- the bulletin
- canadian arctic communities
- chianca
christopher moore
- chunk is indestructable
- cklw - the big 8
- dead dot net
- deception island
- die puny humans
- edison hate future
- eggroll, bagel, cookie, vengeance
the engine
- english-to-english translator
- the essential ghoul's record shelf
- the fifth column
- the flying spaghetti monster
- florida sports guy
- gaeilc
- george weller in nagasaki
- global voices - international research
- hetemeel
homestar runner
hurricane track
- the jersey perspective
- katie west
- kevin matthews
kidby's dw news
- kill ugly radio
kung fu monkey
- lileks 1950s advertising
- mike's classic cartoon themes
- normal life
- our daily dead
- pink floyd community
- pirate riddles for sophisticates
- prognosticate.com
- pubcrawler
- redvsblue
the road from bristol
- rhps
- russian slang
- shakespearian insulter
- silent bob speaks
- stank
- superman is a dick
- terry pratchett
warren ellis dot com
washington post
- yeti sports
- zombie font

I am an ardent hater of numerous others.
No doubt your team is one of them.
And they suck.

About Me
- Name: Tommie Closson
- Location: South Bend, Indiana, United States
Morning Radio Troll. Father of two. Husband of one. Reads too much. Writes novels. Born in wrong decade.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
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